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Declutter & Organization Service

Kern County, CA

A4 Operations is an A-to-Z Declutter & Organization service provider in Kern County, CA.

Declutter & Organization Offers

Including, however not limited to:

  • Rearranging
  • Organizing
  • Storage solution options
  • Space utilization
  • Efficiency Increase
  • Space savings with our digitization service.
  • And be the person to talk you into getting rid of the items you should have gotten rid of a long time ago.


  • Kitchen
  • Pantries
  • Rooms
  • Common areas
  • Office
  • Hobby areas
  • Shop
  • Garage
  • Tools & Hardware
  • Yard
  • Shed
  • Vehicle storage

Standard Inclusions

Add-On Services

A4 Operations has you covered from organizing your car’s trunk to the kitchen pantry, from reorganizing your garage/shop to increase storage volume and efficiency to clearing out your back 40 (finally). One of our main goals as a business is to be as efficient as possible; we inject this goal into everything we do and believe that anything and everything can be decluttered and or organized to increase efficiency and effectiveness, all the way down to the junk drawer.

Imagine what life would be like without all those small moments of irritation throughout the day. Maybe they happen when you are putting away groceries in the kitchen cabinet and you have to move a bunch of items around to fit the new groceries or maybe they happen when you are looking for something in the garage and have to move half a garage worth of boxes to get to the box you think you are looking for (only to figure out that it isn’t, so you must keep digging); eliminating all those frustrating moments are one of A4O’s declutter and organization service’s goal.

At the end of the declutter & organization service, A4O will clean up the surrounding area and Haul Away all new product boxes and packaging as part of the standard inclusions. Additionally, we will make sure affected areas are picked up and clean before we leave.

Even Junk can be organized.


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